Experienced Family Law Attorneys: Protecting Our Clients’ Children And Assets
At Connolly Schneider Shireman, LLP, (“CSS”) our attorneys have decades of experience in resolving family law matters. CSS handles trial and appellate cases that include complex property divisions, custody determinations, modifications, third party interventions and adoptions. Some of our family law cases are resolved through the Collaborative Family Law process or other alternative dispute resolution models such as Mediation and Arbitration.
Our Core Principles: Integrity, Character and Purpose
We believe that divorce and family law litigation does not have to be a destructive process. Many of our family law cases deal with loss and grief. Our clients are more than a number to us. We strive for each of our clients to feel like we had their backs; that we helped them say and present what they needed; and that the Judge and the other parties heard what was said and presented. At CSS, we practice law in a way that ultimately serves the Client, the legal profession and the administration of justice. When we say we are going to do something, we do it.
Decades of Experience. Outstanding Legal Expertise.
With decades of trial, appellate and judicial experience between them, Bill Connolly, Mike Schneider and Les Shireman routinely handle problems of any complexity, whether procedural, custodial or financial. So, why does CSS stand out? Here are a few reasons:
We are advocates for the truth
This is not just a trite saying. Some things are true and some things are not. Some lawyers try to spin facts. But truth is not a relative concept. Either something is true or it isn’t true. Opinions may vary on how to solve a problem. Yet, we have found that there is more than one pathway to a solution. But at CSS we put a premium on getting to the truth. When the truth is revealed, just decisions tend to flow naturally;
We are advocates for accountability
Like factual accuracy, behavior tends to be right or wrong. The best and most workable long term solutions are coupled with accountability; and
We embolden and encourage
People who push or assert financial or emotional power over others do not like scrutiny, exposure or accountability. The lawyers at CSS have spent their entire careers working to level the playing field. Whether it is a spouse who has been controlled financially or a spouse or parent who is being emotionally intimidated about their basic rights of parenting, the success of these tactics rely on their secrecy. At CSS we strive to bring these activities into the open, so that the core issues and motivations that are driving the case can be resolved.
Why you should pick CSS
Our lawyers and our team can handle the tough legal, procedural, factual and emotional aspects of family law litigation and appeals. We can handle property divisions; separate property claims and retirement divisions. We have spent our careers fighting for and protecting children, protecting parents and other care givers from governmental overreach and fighting to make sure that the justice system works fairly. When judges get a case wrong, we help clients seek relief in the appellate courts and when the court gets it right, we fight to have the trial court’s decision upheld.
At CSS, we know that our clients are much more than their case and that a just and fair solution to a family law case is about a lot more than what you can get. At CSS, we know that difference makers make a difference.

What have we done?
At CSS, we have successfully resolved many different kinds of cases. A small list reveals successful resolution of cases involving:
Initial child custody determinations;
Modifications, including custody and parental relocations;
Jurisdiction and Venue disputes;
Property Divisions of all kinds;
Procedurally and legally complex matters;
Claims of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty;
Grandparent Interventions and fights for access to their grandchildren;
Child Support;
Clarifications and Enforcements;
CPS matters, including termination of parental rights and interventions by third parties such as grandparents, relatives, friends and foster parents;
Customized legal interventions in cases involving substance abuse and addictions that affect conservatorship and property divisions; and
Appeals in family law cases of all sorts.
While every family law case is different, at CSS, we realize the significant emotional, psychological and financial cost that these cases extract from our clients. In an ideal world, every case could be resolved by negotiation and compromise. Our attorneys are compassionate, but they don’t shy away from a contested trial when the Client and our team determine that a trial is the best way that a case can be appropriately and safely resolved. Some family law cases require a higher level of accountability and need to be brought to Court for resolution.